Caitlyn Mott

Caitlyn Mott's Fundraiser

 Support Rescued Animals This Holiday Season! image

Support Rescued Animals This Holiday Season!

Donate Now to Help Sanctuary One Continue to Care for Our Four Legged Friends and Educate Our Community

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$380 towards $365

Join me in supporting something positive and healing. Help us provide a home for rescued animals, all while enriching local communities with educational and therapeutic services at Sanctuary One.

Earlier this year, my partner and I made the decision to adopt a dog (our sweet girl, Jolene) from a rescue organisation. In the midst of worldwide uncertainty, this special little being gave us the courage to make decisions that we had not dared to make when we'd only been thinking of ourselves....And these decisions led to a healthier, happier life for all three of us! Animals are a unique kind of magic that everyone deserves to experience, and after having benefitted so hugely from it ourselves, we were so excited to discover Sanctuary One here in Southern Oregon. We visited, met their wonderful cast of characters, and saw how they have created a space for both human and animal healing.

Together, we can make all the difference! Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for the care farm, your $30 gift can:

  • feed Django the goat for 1 month
  • feed Viking the horse 1 bag of senior horse feed
  • provide a local youth access to the learning gardens and programs

Will you help me reach my goal?